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Santana Chakma Smt. Santana Chakma
2 Shri. Tapas Roy, IAS
Secretary, OBC Welfare Department
3 Muhammad Sajad P, IAS, Director.
Directorate of OBC Welfare Department
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In 1995 the State Government had given responsibility to the SC Welfare  Directorate for the all round Development of the other Back Ward Classes of the State  and the Directorate for SC Welfare was renamed as the Directorate for Welfare of SC & OBCs.Later on  Directorate for Welfare of Other Backward Classes has been created on october 9th 2013,bifurcating the Directorate of Welfare for SC & OBCs and functioning under the Department for Welfare of OBCs.


 In census there is no provision. for enumeration for identification of OBCs  population. However, the State Government made a survey during 1995 for enumeration of OBCs population in the State. On the basis of that survey, the OBCs population in the State was 6, 74,291 approximately 24% of the total population.The State Government has declared 44 communities as OBCs in the State. Out of these, 41 communities have been declared as OBCs by the Government of India.

At present reservation has been introduced 17% for SC & 31% for ST’ for the purpose of  Education/Employment by the Government of India. All together 48% reservation is existence in the State. Reservation facilities could not be provid’ed for the OBCs 'due to legal obligation.

As per verdict of the Hon’b1e Supreme Court given in the case of Indira Sawhney Vs Union of India and Others (reported in AIR, 1993 SC 377) total reservation in a State con not be exceed 50%. Their fore, there is no scope to provide 24 % reservation to OBCs as judgment enunciated by the Hon‘ble Supreme Court. If the State Government introduced 2% reservation for the OBC it will be meaningless. A group of Political  delegation has submitted a resolution to the Hon‘ble State Minister for Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi on I7/08/2001 for introducing reservation facilities for the OBCs. The demand was for induction of reservation more than 50% and for amendment of Constitution. But no fruitful measures have been taken by the Government of India. The Government of India has introduced 27% reservation for the OBC in the field of  Education/Employment that was possible since Government of India has extended 7.5% reservation for the Scheduled Tribes & 15% reservation for the Scheduled Castes. The Government of India has introduced reservation 49.5% all together for SCs, STs & OBCs which is less then permissible limit of 50% in accordance with verdict of Hon’ble Supreme Court.

The Directorate will look after the Welfare of Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in the State . The Vision/Mission/Objectives of the Department as  follows:-

(i)Welfare of Other Backward Classes.

(ii)Social Security measures of the OBC Population

(iii)OBC Welfare Corporation/Projects

(iv)Removal of untouchability, beggary and other Social disabilities of the OBC population


Mission:- The mission of the Department for welfare of OBC is primarily to look after the welfare of Backward Classes, by proper implementation of the schemes for Backward Classes.

Vision:- The vision of the department is inclusion of all the communities declared as OBCs in the state, under the umbrella of the welfare schemes of the state government &  GOI and service delivery in transparent and time bound manner.

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